May 02, 2017

Costa Rica

We'll give Costa Rica a "thumbs up" for its lush landscape and it's love of life! "Pura Vida" (Pure Life) is the most used exclamation in this country, often used instead of a Spanish hello. 

We joined a tour recommended by someone on Cruise Critic's forum named Lana. And it was pure serendipity that, out of 1200 guests aboard, we happened to sit down for breakfast the day of the tour at the same table Lana and her husband, Stuart. 

There were about 12 of us on Lana's eight-hour "Thumbs Up" tour.  Carrie, an American who has adopted Costa Rica as home, was our guide. We travelled in a very comfortable Mercedes van. And the van had wifi --an unexpected luxury. Pura vida!!!!!

The first item on the tour agenda was to search for the wild capuchin monkeys that live and breed in the rainforest. 

First stop--no monkeys. 

Second stop--no monkeys.

But wait!! Kari's partner, our driver, kept making monkey sounds and a monkey came looking for his soulmate! Soon there were about a dozen doing acrobatics in the trees, including a baby. They were about 20 or 30 yards away so the zoom lens on my iPhone 7's camera  was a godsend. 

Next stop, a road-side stand where we could sample Costa Rican coffee and sugar cane juice.  Carrie and the proprietor of the stand demonstrated how to press the sugar cane into juice. 

Ultimately the squeezed-out juice becomes the sugar in your morning coffee--as well as the base for all the sweet munchies sold in the shop.

Next, we were off to walk across a bridge where  crocodiles can be seen in the river below, their natural habitat. 

Looking out from the bridge, this was the Costa Rican landscape:

Looking down from the bridge, the Costa Rican alligators appeared sound asleep. We were told they're a little more active at night when it's cooler. One crocodile was sleeping with her mouth wide open. A way for her to cool off, we were told. But we weren't told how to tell the girls from the boys. 

Today was especially good:  a trip to see a horse show in Nicaragua. What about videos?  I took a lot. Any limit??


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