December 24, 2016

Special Christmas Message

"Family" is the most significant word on Christmas, along with  "together," "love," "laughter," "giving," "children,”  and “traditions” and "memories" of Christmases Past. That is what Christmas is meant to be. 

When we sailed away from our "home"  almost twenty years ago, we sailed away from Christmas as it is meant to be. So every Christmas since then has been more than a little bittersweet. We miss our family. We miss being "home" for Christmas. We miss children, and laughter, and gifts under a tree. What we do have are many good "memories."

It's Christmas Eve morning, and I'm propped up in bed with my iPhone and a poor substitute for “togetherness”:  an internet connection. 

 I'm more than a little happy/sad thinking of all of you. I want you to know that I'm so proud of the "families" you have become. My children chose wonderful soulmates, and I love them as if they were my own sons and daughters. My grandchildren are good-looking, healthy, happy, and talented. 

So, even though we are miles away from all of you, our thoughts are with "family." 

Last week I sent a link to some old Christmas "memories" as our gift to each family. I hope the one I put in charge of delivering the gift --and making it happen—will have taken that responsibility seriously.  And all the while they are delivering the gift to you, Grandpa and I will smile and laugh and pretend we're in your home—laughing and smiling with you--if only in our dreams.

Hugs and more hugs,
and a very Merry Christmas. 💕

Link to Old Christmas "Memories"

December 17, 2016


Thinking of you as I do the Marco "circuit" alone 

December 07, 2016

Christmas Slideshows

I just realized that I have to figure out how to share the slideshows I made as my "gift" to you kids.

December 06, 2016

Fabulous Sunset

The sunset was fabulous--again. It kept changing....

Good night with

hugs from Marco ❤️