April 15, 2018

San Jaun - April 2018

We were sailing in as this sailboat was sailing out. Zoom in at the end to see the fortress walls.
This time I’m glad to stay aboard. Knee pain. :-( 

We didn’t sign up for any tour, thank goodness. At 5 pm there is a show tour. Right now our plan is to show up at the starting point and see if they’ll sell us the tour then. 

Que sera sera!!  In the meantime we’ll relax on deck and read. I’ve got a good Grisham novel (The Partner) and dad has his sci-fi and earphones!!

The guitarist, Juan Carlos, was fantastic. Bought his cd for you, TR.  How I wish you could have seen and heard him. My only regret was that he used too much amplification.  It would have been so much more “authentic” without it. Hope the cd does justice to his talent. 

Check him out with google!!!  

April 14, 2018

Grand Turk - April 2018

John Glen splashed down here. 

Amber Cove:

Nice place. All fresh and new. 

Not doing much. Just WiFi-img. Couldn’t resist this shot:  

April 11, 2018

Hello from Cuba - April 2018

Cuba was interesting. Dilapidated buildings and well-preserved old cars (personal taxi business). 

And right across the street, the Capitol building.

Government buildings look ok on the outside like the National theater:

And these two security and communication buildings.

No billboards anywhere. But revolutionary heroes are omnipresent. 

Typical condition of buildings. 

Many more sights
And of course, the spiffed up cars!!

The cigar makers:

And, after a brief nap back aboard the ship, we were off to the cabaret show at the Parisienne in Havana’s famous International hotel. 

Back on the ship at midnight!! Quite a memorable day. 

April 07, 2018

Cayman Islands - April 2018

Had a nice time with the locals.  Bought the famous rum cake. Enjoyed gelato and a latte. And crossed the street so many times the traffic cop became a dear friend.