March 29, 2011

Summer in Boulder 2011

We arrived in time to watch Springtime come to the Rockies - and a bit of snow. A highlight of the summer was when a bearded senior citizen with whom we attended grade school and high school came to stay with us for several weeks. We hadn’t seen each other for over fifty years!  Our guest just happened to be a graffiti artist both famous and infamous who has lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the past thirty-some years.  Our friend honored us with a graffiti demonstration. To see the “Let us Spray” video we made of the even, click here.  It’s a “private” video, so please don’t share that link.

Our friend honored us with a graffiti demonstration. To see the “Let us Spray” video we made of the even, click here.  It’s a “private” video, so please don’t share that link.